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Thanks for this interesting interview .

As a European I was unaware of the existence of the American Hazel . I grow European Hazels both for the nuts and for the wood. I wondered if you had looked at that latter possibility as an income source too ?  The tradition of utilising the Hazel nut goes back to the early Bronze age where folks grew Hazel before wheat . I wondered if any of the Folks looking at using Hazel in the US have thought of using the wood as well. I basically coppice on a eight to ten year rotation . I also multiply by taking cuttings from roots . Traditionally the wood was used for natural fencing and making baskets / fish traps  etc . and was thought of as winter work when the land was too hard or muddy to farm.

I also noted that you mentioned pollination issues . My bees are quite happy to work the Hazel for pollen and nectar even though there is not much . Have you thought about unconventional beekeeping ?

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